
Sully the sous chef

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Punn-i-can Muffins

I hate the closing of a weekend. Especially weekends when The Soldier comes home. The hours just go by very fast. 
I did a big time fridge cleaning on Friday. There was some stuff in there that was funky and old. By the time I had finished, I felt horrible about what I wasted. I need to be more acocuntable for the veggies and fruit that I buy. And I get depressed when the only thing in my fridge is an onion.
The Soldier got home pretty late on Friday night and his only request was beer. Seems like this whole Soldier business he is doing for these two months is pretty taxing. Early to rise, late to bed and he isn't thrilled to be eating at the DFAC (Dining Facility, for all you civvies out there). He tries to eat as Paleo as he can but without spices and seeing exactly how things are cooked, its proving to be harder than he would like. Last weekend he came home to watch the dogs while I galavanted in PIttsburgh for my Kung Fu Cousins wedding and I cooked a crap load of awesome food for him to eat while he was home. He appreciated it big time, so I wanted to make sure he ate well this weekend, too.
But, I was also coming down with a cold and pretty tired from my beginning workouts this week. So I did head over to the Pooler Walmart (I really on go there for two reasons; 1: they have The Two Crazies food and no one else in Pooler seems to stock it and #2: they are the first store who puts out the gossip magazines I hoard on the day they are supposed to be out, unlike the other grocery stores where they wait until Tuesday.) and thought that I would pick up some stuff...but Walmart on a Friday night (i know, I know...) kinda sucks. They were out of everything and their produce looked horrible. So I just picked up doggie food and booze.
I knew that I wanted to make The Soldier the Sweet Potato salad that I made and posted about earlier. And going through some other websites, found some recipes that I want to perfect this next week while he is gone and then serve them to him when he gets back on Friday (hello? Paleo Pad Thai? Yeah!!!). I also had been kinda craving some sweet I went back to my tried and true recipe for Pumpkin Muffins. Found that recipe in The Primal Blueprint Cookbook (not my favorite cookbook, though...but I let it hang around cause of this Pumpkin stuff.
They are awesome. You should try them. They are crazy good.

Here is what you need:

1/2 C Coconut flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground clove
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 salt
1/2 C pumpkin puree
6 eggs
4 TBSP coconut oil (melted)
1/3 C raw honey
1tsp vanilla
1/4 C chopped walnuts (i haven't put these in the muffins yet...)
3/4 C  semi sweet chocolate chips (I use these often in the muffins...super delish)

Here's what you need to do!

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Sift coconut flour, baking soda, salt and all the spices in a small bowl. Mix it well and then put it off to the side for a bit.
Put the pumpkin puree in a big bowl. One by one, crack the ehhs into the bowl, mixing well after every egg is put in there. Then add the coconut oil, honey and vanilla. Mix that very well.

Add the flower mixture and blend well with a whisk until most of the flower globs are broken. This would now be the time to throw in your optional ingredients like the nuts or choc chips (if you haven't already eaten the whole bag).

Spray your muffin tins with some Pam (or I have fallen victim to Coconut Oil Spray). Fill your muffin tray(s) about 2/3rds full.
Shove em in the oven and cook for about 20 minutes or do the old trick your momma taught you and take a toothpick and stick it in what you think might be a done muffin. If it comes out clean, those muffins are dunzo. You might have to try the toothpick trick a couple of times if you use the chocolate chips because, well, see, they melt and if you pierce one of those gooey things with the toothpick...its gonna look like the muffins aren't finished.

I used two giant cupcake pans and I found that my muffins were perfecto after 25 minutes.

Mine always seem to come out perfectly moist and just perfect for a snack or even breakfast.

And currently, I have a 3.5lb beef roast in the slow cooker. That big ole hunk of beef is rubbed with all sorts of stuff that kinda made me vomit in my mouth when I read that I needed to blend them all together...but everytime I think to myself, Man!! This is gonna be terrible! It ends up being the best thing ever. And let me tell you right now...the fact that I still have two more hours before I can open that slow cooker is KILLING me cause it smells FANTASTIC.

If it works out well, I'll post the recipe or you can just go over to Everyday Paleo and read about it there.

It was sad to see The Soldier go this afternoon. We drank lotsa beer and giggled and I do believe that after our non-sober conversation last night, I could fly a helicopter. But he will be back next week.

Tomorrow, I am going to do the mile. No matter how I do it, I'm going to do it and time it so that I can have a goal. I haven't decided if I'll post it on here or not...just like I was going to weigh myself tomorrow to set a standard, but if I'm going to be noshing on some beef roast tonight, way past when Im supposed to stop eating, then maybe not.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I shall finish my Sunday doing the following: drooling until the raost is finished, yelling at The Two Crazies, reading a book on the hauntings of good ole Savannah, and watching the Lifetime Movie Event of the Amanda Knox trial and switching the stations between Lifetime and CBS as I am not caught up on this season of Survivor and tonights should be fantastic. Here's to hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight as well!!!

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