
Sully the sous chef

Thursday, May 12, 2011


When I started this whole Paleo diet cooking thing...I realized that I have a pretty awesome kitchen complete with some awesome gadgets. Thanks to my fantastico mother in law, I get some cool things from her all the time (a citrus juicer? Amazing!!). And the nearest Publix (which I love love love for their organic stuff) has some little things that I have used almost every night.

But the one thing that I noticed that I really needed was a food processor. I have a tiny one, a one cupper, that I basically use for herbs and nuts. But I want to make soups (soups in the summer in Georgia? Of course!!!), sauces and chop things better than me and my trusty butcher knife.

So...when The Soldier asked me what I wanted for my birthday (May fourth, and it was good!) I said, without a thought, 'A FOOD PROCESSOR! A GOOD ONE!!!' and he had to calm me down and then said that I needed to do some research and that I couldn't spend 400.00 bucks on one.

Did my research and found one...Laura's New Food Processor !

It should be delivered today (along with a new Bible because Itchy thought that he needed some spirituality inside of him and ate my last one) and I can't wait. The blinds are open, the site to UPS is open and regularly refreshed and I'm making a pathway through the carpet much like the ones that the dogs have made in our backyard from the back fence to the front fence.

Cannot. Wait.

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