
Sully the sous chef

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Egg Cupcakes

I’m not a huge fan of breakfast. That is probably because I am not a morning person; therefore my first meal of the day happens to be a lunch. But, in order to do better in making my life better, my eating habits better and losing the “beer” weight, I need to eat in the morning.
But, to eat in the morning, I need to be awake and precise.
And that never happens. So this recipe for Egg Cupcakes is perfect because you can make em all on a Sunday and then put them in the fridge and just reheat them in the morning hours. Not rocket science for someone who is not fully “there” before noon.
The other wonderful thing about this recipe is that you can basically put ANYTHING in the egg cupcakes. Once I threw in some salmon. One time I sliced some zucchini and threw it in there. I think anything (besides fruit) would go perfectly in these suckers. You can thank me later; just make sure it’s after 11:00am.
Here is what you need!!
10-12 eggs, whisked very well.
Two to three handfuls of spinach
1 C green onions
1 C diced tomatoes
1 C diced onion
12 slices of bacon
Here is what you do!!
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Spray your big muffin tins with Coconut oil spray (or Pam if you don’t have any)
Crack and whisk those eggs really well.
Chop up the spinach, onions and tomatoes. (yeah...I was lazy and bought everything pre-chopped...sue me).
Throw all the veggies in the whisked eggs and mix well.
Then, take the bacon, one slice at a time and line it/wrap it around the muffin tin.
Pour the egg mixture in the muffin tins. I fill them about 2/3rds full.
Then stick them in the oven for approx. 20-30 minutes. You want the eggs to be set.
I then served them with some fruit.
Again! You can put tons of stuff in these muffins. It’s all up to you and what you would like in them.

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