
Sully the sous chef

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Posts and Justice

Its been a bit since I have been on. I have most certainly been following the Caylee Anthony case.

Three years ago, I was running on a treadmill and I watched the horrible Nancy Grace talk about this case. For those of you who know me...I am not really a kiddo person. I love my friends kids and my relatives kids but The Soldier and I enjoy kiddos of the four-legged kind.

I wanted to know, when I heard of this case, why a mother would wait 31 days to report her child missing. I looked at Sully, when I came home from the gym, and thought to myself...the SECOND Sully was missing, I would #1: be hysterical, #2: call the cops (even though they would laugh) and #3: do EVERYTHING I COULD TO BRING SULLDOG HOME.

So since that day...i say day (3)1...I fell in love with Caylee Anthony. I researched, read and sought out everything that the public could have and read. I joined and made wonderful friends, learned a ton of things about the justice system.

Six weeks ago...we, and I mean my Websleuths family, got comfortable in front of our computers and tvs to watch the State of Florida. We listened, discussed, answered and asked questions...and we knew that beyond a doubt that Caylee's mother was the prime suspect and executor of Caylee's death.

I even made a workout out of the trial at certain points that even some other websleuthers took upon themselves.

When the case went to 12 people who were not nearly as invested in this little girl as we were, took this case...I lost some sleep. I answered polls as to when this verdict would happen. I went about my life. I cooked the Soldier Paleo foods and started a wonderful workout routine because I have two weddings coming up.

The Soldier went back to work today...just flying this evening and due to weather, not necessarily sure when he'll be home. He reassured me, there would be no verdict today.

And then? There was a verdict.

I am devastated. I know that Caylee died three years ago...but I believe that she truly died today. Justice was not served.

I have eaten Paleo today. I did go do the workout I wanted to do today, although it was through heavy tears. And now? I am drinking a couple of beers...Poor poor Caylee. My heart has never been this broken.

I promise that you will get some awesome new recipes soon! I have cooked some wonderful food....but today...I'm just gonna mourn the death, the murder of a beautiful 3 year old whose justice hasn't been served.

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